

VirtualBox shows me the following runtime error message: "cannot access the kernel driver!" What can I do?


(This is a Windows problem only).If you get that error it seems like your VirtualBox installation missed installing the vboxdrv.inf driver. Please first try to reinstall VirtualBox - if this does not solve the problem, go to C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\Drivers\ and double click in the file vboxdrv.inf. After that, you should be able to run VirtualBox without problems.

Detailed question
VirtualBox shows me the following runtime error message: "cannot access the kernel driver!" What can I do?

Why is my old web browser not supported?


The web application provided in the virtual machine uses JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 to show the results and your BOINC credit, using technologies like JavaScript, JSON and HTML5.

If you cannot enable JavaScript in your browser's settings or your browser does not support HTML5 and/or CSS3, you will be missing a friendly user interface to the results:

  • an interactive gallery with all the figures from the simulations of your computer:
    • zoom in and out with a friendly interface,
    • browse the figures (next,previous and index) using shortcuts and without going back and forward to see other image,
    • swipe movement for flicking through images on touch devices,
    • etc.
  • and some BOINC statistics.

Here you have an screenshot of the web page with a free, modern and open source web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome (but note that Safari versions 6+ and Internet Explorer versions 10+ do support our graphics):

You can still access the raw figures and BOINC stats data and the LOGs folder as you will get a warning with links to those resources.

Detailed question
Why is my old web browser not supported?

My firewall is complaining. Which ports does this project use?


The ports required depends on the application however there are a few common ports:

  • HTTP (port 80)
  • HTTPS (port 443
  • CVMFS (port 3125)

ATLAS application:

  • HTTP (Ports 8000, 8080, 23128)
  • HTTP Proxy (Port 3127, 3128)
  • XMPP (Port 5222)
  • TCP Port 9094

Theory and CMS and LHCb:

  • Condor (9618)


  • WMAgent (4080)
  • Frontier (8080)
  • EOS (1094)


  • DIRAC (ports 8443, 9133, 9135, 9148, 9149, 9166, 9196, 9199 )
Detailed question
My firewall is complaining. Which ports does this project use?