All LHC@Home projects centre around the engineering and the physics of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland.
Volunteer computing with us allows you to get involved with LHC physics without actually having to be a physicist. Of course, we can explain the really deep physics to you... or if you prefer to keep it light and just enjoy the fact you can contribute and may even be cited in a paper for your help... we'd love you to join us with whatever you want contribute!
Whether you choose one or several projects to participate in, your contribution will have a very real impact on calibrating searches for particles, and fine-tuning the machines which will help us make monumental discoveries about the Universe we live in.
Help ATLAS learn about the basic forces that have shaped our Universe since the beginning of time and that will determine its fate.
Open a window to theories beyond the Standard Model! Help CMS search for extra dimensions and particles that could make up dark matter.
Magnetic imperfections, electromagnetic wake, even gravity - so many things can destabilise a proton beam. Help us create better beams!